Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Your Phone (required) How much data do you want backed up? Out of the total amount of data – please provide an approximate breakdown of what it is comprised of in each of these categories: Databases Files Operating systems How much data growth do you have per year, approximately? Retention – how many years do you require the backup data to be held for? For a typical seven year retention, would you be happy with: 4 daily backups, 5 full weekly backups, 12 monthly backups and 7 yearly backups? Yes – No? yesno If not please indicate what retention you would require. How many servers do you require to be backed up? Are the servers virtual or physical? physicalvirtual Are the servers Windows and/or Linux? (example of oldest and newest OS version will be helpful) WindowsLinux Examples: Are the servers in one location or in multiple locations? One LocationMultiple Locations What is the average internet bandwidth upload speed? What backup solution are you using currently and where is the seven years of data retention currently stored? On disk or tape or cloud DiskTapeCloud Your Message